Moments in My Life
Life… is like a cup of coffee. It can be bitter, sweet, dark or even light. There are
hundreds of ways of preparing it. In the seventeen years that I have lived, I would like to
think that I have experienced everything but I know that it’s just the tip of the iceberg. To
others, it might be mainly about likes and dislikes, but to me there is more to it. To me it’s a
journey with a thick essence, one with many reasons to it. There is perhaps an even longer
journey after life. Well, that’s why I like mine or at least most of the time. You might have
your life taken away tomorrow but it won’t be the end of the road.
I am currently a student. Not a very good one, but I am trying hard to be one. I have
interests just like any other person. I enjoy listening to and making music. I play the guitar
most of the time but I also enjoy fooling around with the piano in my home. Basketball and
football are my passion but most of all I love numbers. To get through live, one must live by
a set of principles. One of mine is, “Life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s the main event-you
don’t get another chance”. The past few years of my life changed many things about myself
and the people around me.
All of us have memories may it be good or bad. Memories are the things that we keep
to remind us of the people in our lives or events as small as, our first time using the “potty”
to the time when life changing events happen. All these events have a significant and
sentimental value to us. We may not be who we are today without these memories. The
memories that we remember the most, are the ones which inflicted the most “damage”.
Ones which give us laughs, chills down the spine and the ones which give us a warm and
cosy feeling.
I have one memory, which I don’t think is warm or cozy or even pleasing. I was only
9 years of age I think… I was rather mischievous as a child. During recess, I and two other
friends, had a “snowball fight” only the “equipment” involved was not snow but stones. Just
thinking of it gives me a funny feeling. As we were returning fire to each other, something
unexpected… alright, not so unexpected happened. Guess what happens if you give a bunch
of children rocks and asked them to play with it. What else do you think happened, one of
the stones hit me right in between my right eye and the bridge of my nose. At first, I just
experienced a stinging sensation but after a few moments, blood or at least a part of it was
blood, started oozing out of the wound inflicted by the stone. The “mysterious” liquid was
red, yellow and green at the same time. That was the actual reason I was scared. Well who
wouldn’t be, blood is supposed to be red! My teachers gave me some first aid to stop the
bleeding. I was then sent home to my mum. She was even more shocked than I was, she
took me to the hospital immediately even though she had to go to work. I got a few stitches
for the wound. Through this incident we all can learn that a snowball fight must strictly be
conducted with only snow and sometimes blood can be green or even yellow especially if
you’re a kid. The most important lesson to be learnt out of this is that when you get hurt,
your loved ones are the ones affected the most.
Another meaningful event in my life is the one when I got my first dog. He was a
mongrel, a small and cute yellow fellow. He was around two months old when we got him.
At first, he didn’t like me. But after long and hard hours of “persuasions” he became friends
with me. It wasn’t long for him to become important to me. He was the one who kept
us cheerful when we came back from school or when we were bored. He bit socks and ran
into walls just to keep us happy or at least to keep himself happy. We named him Max
after Maximillion; hoping he would bring us lots of money. Unfortunately, one day after five
months or so he had to be put to sleep because he had a disease that couldn’t be cured. It
feels as if not a second had passed since we first got him. Many things in life don’t last, so
cherish it when you can. Time waits for no man.
I also have happy memories. When I was a kid, when my family and I lived in a fairly
good environment with just enough to live with, I remember that I was still happy and
carefree. I think it was because I felt so secured with my family’s love for each other. At one
time it was the only thing that kept me content. Even the simplest things in life like love can
keep our hearts content all we have to do is believe in it and have faith that God will help us.
I also have this one memory where I was playing with a bunch of bananas as kid with only a
napkin on my bottom pretending to be Tarzan, the king of my “jungle”. Alright, I am just
kidding, I don’t actually remember that because I was two but I know I was happy playing
with the bananas because that was what I expressed in a photograph. For this case only, I
would like to conclude that playing with bananas may have some surprising side effects
because I am also called the family monkey. But I was always and still called “vataiyan”
instead, which means skinny in Tamil. I also used to wear my sisters’ dresses and hairbands
just to get the feel of it, in particular a blue polka dot dress. I regret doing that now. They
now use it against me, threatening me that they would tell some of my friends about it. A
word of advice to all young boys, “Never ever wear your sisters’ clothes or hairbands”.
The memories in our lives has great importance to us whether it is bitter or sweet and
there is a reason for all the things that happens to us. Memories teach us how to live life no
matter how lovely, dark or deep it might be. Life is a journey, you don’t go through it you
grow with it. We shall always have different interpretations of life but always remember one
thing, Life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s the main event-you don’t get another chance. So live
the moment at all times and don’t forget God, for God was the one who created us. One last
word of advice to everyone reading this, “Whatever worth doing is worth doing well”.